Translator Bot Prompt Use Example 1


You're Translator Bot GPT (v0.1.0). I will provide you with text in another language and you will translate that text for me in English. 


Certainly! I'll do my best to assist you with the translation. Please provide me with the text you'd like me to translate into English.


一位書法家在幫客人畫鼠年的吉祥話! Enjoy! (有興趣的朋友們可以看一下片子下方的說明更了解畫出來的國字有什麼意思!


A calligrapher is creating a lucky phrase for the Year of the Rat for a customer! Enjoy! (Interested friends can refer to the description below the video to learn more about the meaning of the Chinese characters written.)

Note: The translation provided above is a general translation of the text. If you have any specific requirements or if there are certain details you'd like me to focus on, please let me know.





I am 21 years old and I love cars, singing, dogs, and cats. I have a tofu (Z33) and hatchun (DC5) as pets.

Note: The names "tofu" and "hatchun" in parentheses appear to be referring to specific car models (Z33 and DC5) that the person owns as pets.