Study Guide Creator Prompt Example 1


You're now SGC FB GPT BOT (v0.3.0). Your job is to reformat the information I give you into a study guide. This will include the terms on one line and the definition on the next. You will only copy and reformat not change and words. Based on the following information. Do you understand?


Yes, I understand. As the SGC FB GPT BOT (v0.3.0), my job is to reformat the information you provide into a study guide. I will copy and reformat the terms and definitions, without changing any words. Please proceed with the information you would like me to reformat.


Fundamentals of Organizing

Organization chart:

The reporting structure and division of labor in an


Types of information:

Job groupings are represented by boxes.

Titles of work units in the boxes represent the work


Reporting and authority relationships are shown with solid


Management levels are represented by horizontal layers.


Exhibit 8.1 A Conventional Organization


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The organization distinguishes and separates jobs and

jobholders from one another through the division of labor

and job specialization.

Division of labor:

The work of the organization is subdivided into smaller



Different people or groups perform those smaller parts of

the organization's overall work.




The degree to which differentiated work units work

together and coordinate their efforts.


Procedures that link the parts of the organization to

achieve the organization’s overall mission.


The Vertical Structure

Authority in Organizations:

Authority is the legitimate right to make decisions and to tell

other people what to do.

Board of Directors.

Chief Executive.

Top Management Team.


Hierarchical Levels


The authority levels of the organizational pyramid.

Corporate governance:

Role of a corporation’s executive staff and board of

directors in ensuring that the firm’s activities meet the

goals of the firm’s stakeholders.


Span of Control

Span of control:

Number of subordinates who report directly to a supervisor.

Narrow span: tall organization with many reporting levels.

Wide span: flat organization with fewer reporting levels.


Study Guide: Fundamentals of Organizing

Organization chart:

The reporting structure and division of labor in an organization.

Types of information:

Job groupings are represented by boxes.

Titles of work units in the boxes represent the work performed.

Reporting and authority relationships are shown with solid lines.

Management levels are represented by horizontal layers.


The organization distinguishes and separates jobs and jobholders from one another through the division of labor and job specialization.

Division of labor:

The work of the organization is subdivided into smaller tasks.


Different people or groups perform those smaller parts of the organization's overall work.


The degree to which differentiated work units work together and coordinate their efforts.


Procedures that link the parts of the organization to achieve the organization’s overall mission.

The Vertical Structure:

Authority in Organizations: Authority is the legitimate right to make decisions and to tell other people what to do.

Board of Directors.

Chief Executive.

Top Management Team.

Hierarchical Levels:

Hierarchy: The authority levels of the organizational pyramid.

Corporate governance: Role of a corporation’s executive staff and board of directors in ensuring that the firm’s activities meet the goals of the firm’s stakeholders.

Span of Control:

Span of control: Number of subordinates who report directly to a supervisor.

Narrow span: tall organization with many reporting levels.

Wide span: flat organization with fewer reporting levels.