Lease Agreement Summary: Key Points in Bullet Point Form

Prompt: summarize the followign lease agreement into key readable bullet points: 

Output: Lease Agreement Summary:

- Landlord: x LLC, Southport, CT

- Tenants: ...

- Premises: x, Connecticut

- Term: 12 months from June 1, 2023, to May 31, 2024

- Monthly Rent: $4,500, due on the first day of each month

- Rent Payment Deadline: 10th day of each month by 5pm

- Payment Method: Monthly check of $4,500

- Landlord permits tenants to occupy the premises during the term

- Tenants must not commit waste and are responsible for repairing damages

- Tenants must surrender the premises in good condition at the end of the term

- Landlord can sell or transfer title to the premises at any time

- Lease terminates if rent is unpaid for 10 days or if tenants violate lease terms

- Late payment fee: $150 for each month the rent is not paid on time

- Tenants are responsible for maintaining the premises and paying utilities

- Tenants must report any fire, injury, loss, or unsafe conditions to the landlord

- Tenants must obtain rental liability insurance of at least $250,000 per claim

- Locks cannot be changed without written consent from the landlord

- Tenants must ensure visitors and guests adhere to laws and regulations

- Tenants cannot paint, alter, or modify the premises without written consent

- Landlord can enter the premises for repairs, inspections, and emergencies

- Tenants must notify landlord if away for more than 3 consecutive days

- No signs, banners, or flags without written permission from the landlord

- Tenants are responsible for maintaining grounds, walkways, and removing trash

- Tenants cannot change or damage the landscape without written consent

- Tenants must notify landlord if they intend to renegotiate the lease

- Fixtures and appliances belong to the premises and must remain attached

- Water beds, pets, and unauthorized guests are not allowed on the premises

- Tenants must comply with local, state, and federal ordinances and laws

- Tenants accept the premises in its current condition (as-is)

- Any agreed-upon repairs must be completed by the end of June 2023

- Security deposit: $9,000, to be returned if no damage occurs

- Disputes and claims will be addressed in the Superior Court of New Haven, CT

- Landlord has the right to change locks and deny access without a court order

- The lease agreement cannot be published or recorded without landlord's consent

Input: Lease Agreement


This lease, made by and between x LLC, of Southport, CT, hereinafter called the

Landlord, and


1. _


3. _____________

4. ______________


hereinafter called the Tenants, which term shall include the Tenant’s executors, administrators,

successors and assigns, jointly and severally, where the context so requires or admits,


Witnesseth, that said Landlord has lease and does hereby lease to said Tenants the following described premises situated at x within the Town of Hamden, State of Connecticut, for the term of 12 months, from noon on the 1st day of June, 2023 to noon on the 31st day of May 2024, for monthly payments of Four thousand five hundred dollars ($4,500) made on the first day of each and every month during said term and each payment must be received by the Landlord no later than 5pm on the tenth (10th) day of each month.  It is requested that One (1) check in the amount of Four Thousand Five hundred dollars ($4,500) be sent each month, not individual ones.


The Landlord covenants with said Tenants that the Landlord has the right to lease said premises in the manner aforesaid and that the Landlord will permit said Tenants (Tenants keeping all covenants on Tenants’ part as hereinafter contained) to occupy said premises during said term.


The Tenants herby covenant with the Landlord to hire said premises and to pay the rent therefore as aforesaid, to commit no waste, to repair all broken windows, screens, doors, and any other damage that occurs and to peacefully quit and surrender the premises at the end of the term, or sooner termination of this lease, in good condition as the same are or shall be put in by the Landlord during said term, reasonable use thereof and damages by the elements excepted and the Landlord shall have the right, at any time, to sell, transfer and convey title to said premises.


It is further agreed that if the said rent shall remain unpaid ten (10) days after the same shall become payable as aforesaid, or if the Tenants shall assign this lease, if underlet, or otherwise dispose of the whole or any part of said premises, or use the same for any purpose but that herein before authorized, or make any alterations therein without the written consent of the Landlord, or commit waste in said premises, or injure the same, then this lease shall thereupon terminate, and

said Landlord may at any time thereafter, without any reentry, recover possession thereof in the manner prescribed by this agreement or the statues relating to Summary Process, and all right to any notice to quit possession and trial by jury is hereby expressly waived and given up by said Tenants.


The Tenants further agree to pay an additional sum of $150.00 to the Landlord, as a late payment fee (not as damages) for each and every month that the monthly rental payment is not paid to and received by the Landlord in accordance with the terms set forth above. The Tenants further agree and promise that:


1. Tenants will maintain the premises and pay all utilities promptly.

2. Tenants agree to hold Landlord harmless from all claims for damages to both persons and property as to every kind of nature.

3. Tenants will report immediately to Landlord any fire, injury, loss or any unsafe condition occurring upon said premises.

4. Renter is required to obtain rental liability insurance of at least $250,000 per claim. All tenants must be listed as insureds. x LLC, PO Box x, Southport, CT 06890 has to be listed as a certificate holder on the insurance policy.                                                                                                                                                                         5. Tenants agree that locks may not be changed or new locks put in without the written of the Landlord and Tenants further agree to immediately give to the Landlord all keys to all locks installed in the building

6. NB** Tenants shall behave and require visitors on said premises to behave, so as not to disturb adjoining and nearby neighbors; the Tenants also agree that they will require all of their visitors and guests to abide by all local, state and federal ordinances, laws, and regulations or, in the alternative, promptly dismiss and discharge said guests and visitors from the premises.                                                                                                                          7. The Tenants shall not paint, redecorate, alter or modify, the interior or the exterior of the structure(s) on the premises including but not limited to electrical systems; telephone and cable TV wires and equipment; fixtures and drains; gas service, hot water heater, furnace, stove; and appliances without written consent of the Landlord.                                                                                                   8. The Landlord reserves the right and all parties herby agree that the Landlord or his agents may enter upon the premises in order to make repairs, inspections, improvements, and any type of renovations to the structure and/or grounds after giving any Tenant or Tenants 8 hours notice of any type; and/or to enter immediately in case of an emergency; and Tenants will give Landlord 48 hours notice, before departing premises, that all Tenants will be away from the premises for more than 3 consecutive days.                                                                                            9. Tenants promise and agree not to erect any type of sign, banner, or flag visible to the general public without the written permission of the Landlord.

10. Tenants further agree to maintain the grounds, walkway, steps, and porches; Tenants also agree to be responsible for the removal of all trash and refuse from the premises and further agree to place all trash receptacles behind the main building within 24 hours after the same are emptied; and Tenants agree to keep all walks, steps, hallways, and paths clear of all debris and obstacles. Landlord is responsible for mowing the lawn and clearing the snow from the driveway. ($150 per day penalty after 3 days notice)

11. Tenants agree not to change or damage the landscape, plants, fences, shrubs, flowers, trees or grass areas, without the written consent of the Landlord. Tenants further agree to pay an additional sum of $500.00 to the Landlord as damages for every tree damaged or destroyed on the property.

12. The Tenants agree to notify the Landlord in writing, no later than September 30, 2023 prior to the expiration of this agreement, as to their intention to renegotiate this agreement so as to continue to occupy the premises, in accordance with a new lease with a new specified period or term, and failing to provide the Landlord with said written notice, the Landlord shall be at liberty to seek out new tenants; list the premises for rent; erect or place rental signs; to show the premises; and to enter into written or oral agreements with new tenants.

13. The Tenants further acknowledge that the stove, refrigerator, washer and dryer, window shades or blind, ceiling fans, and ceiling and wall light fixtures are fixtures and appliances that belong on the premises and that they will remain so attached to the premises unless written agreement to the contrary is provided to them by the Landlord.

14. The Tenants will not erect or use any water bed(s) upon premises.

15. The Tenants will not keep any pets including animals, fish, birds, or reptiles upon the premises nor will they allow the same to be brought upon the premises by a visitor, guest or any other person.

16. The Tenants agree to abide by all local, state and federal ordinances, laws, and regulations.

17. Tenants have inspected and are thoroughly familiar with said premises and accept the premises for said term in an “as is condition”

18. Tenants further acknowledge that  any repairs that will be agreed upon inwriting on the inspection date will be completed by the landlord by the end of the month of June, 2023


It is further agreed between all parties hereto that the Tenants will deposit the sum of NINE THAUSAND dollars ($9,000) with the Landlord and that said deposit will be returned to the Tenants upon expiration of this lease, in accordance with the laws of Connecticut, provided that no damage has been committed under the terms of this lease. The security deposit will not be used for the last month’s rent nor any other month’s rent, throughout the term of this lease, except at the discretion of the Landlord.


It is further agreed by all parties hereto that any claim for injuries or a loss any type; nonpayment of rent; or any other type of claim, shall be brought only in the Superior Court, at New Haven, Connecticut, unless all parties mutually agree, in writing, to some form of arbitration; and it is further understood and agreed that any such litigation shall proceed before the Court alone and that any claim or right to trial by a jury is hereby expressly waived and given up.


**NB** Notwithstanding any part if this agreement as set forth herein, it is understood by all parties to this agreement, that if any individual Tenant or Tenants fail to abide by any and all terms and conditions of this agreement, as determined solely by the Landlord, the Landlord or his agent, agent, or representative(s) shall have the right, at any time, on any date, to reenter the premises and structures thereon and change the locks; and also to bar entry to any person or persons, including any Tenant or Tenant’s agent, guest, or representative so that they may not enter or remain in or upon the premises or any structure thereon; and it is also agreed and understood buy all parties to this agreement that all of the foregoing shall be done and accomplished without a court order or decree from any Court of any jurisdiction. it is further agreed by all parties hereto that this lease and the terms set forth herein shall not be published or recorded within the land records of the Town of Hamden, State of Connecticut, or any other state of these United Stated of America, without the prior written consent of the Landlord.


If any provision of this contractual agreement or any portion of such provision or the application thereof, to any person or circumstances, shall to any extend be held invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this agreement shall not be affected thereby. This agreement, its term, and any claim arising therefrom or resulting therefrom, shall be construed and interpreted only in accordance with the laws of the State of Connecticut. This agreement is binding upon the parties hereto, jointly and severally, and is also binding upon their personal representatives, administrators, executors, heirs, assigns, and successors in interest, jointly and severally.


This agreement is also binding and enforceable, jointly and severally, against any persons or person who signs this agreement as a surety, thereby personally guaranteeing full and prompt payment of said rent and also full compliance with all of the other terms of this agreement; and this agreement shall also be binding, jointly and severally, upon the personal representatives, administrators, executors, heirs, assigns, and successors of those persons or person acting as such surety.




Date ​       Landlord or Landlord's Agent ​              Title


Street Address


City, State, & Zip ​​​​Phone


1. ____________________________________________________________________________

Date ​Tenats Name (please print)                          ​​Phone


Date of Birth____________


Cosignor’s name ________________________________Social Security___________________


Date of Birth____________


Present Address________________________________________________________________


EMPLOYED BY_________________________________How Long Employed_______


Employer’s Address________________________________Phone __________________


Position Held_________________________


Yearly Income________________


Personal References





In the event landlord does not accept me for an apartment, deposit shall be refunded in full. I agree that the information contained in this report is correct. Below I authorize real estate company to run my (our) credit report(s). Credit report will be run on consignor only and the fee is fifty dollars ($50) nonrefundable.


TENANT’S SIGNATURE____________________________DATE______________

TENANT’S NAME ​____________________________


COSIGNOR’S SIGNATURE____________________________DATE______________

COSIGNOR’S NAME ​____________________________




















2. ____________________________________________________________________________

Date ​​Tenant’s Name​                                  ​​Phone


Driver’s License # ________________________________Social Security___________________


Date of Birth____________


Cosignor’s name ________________________________Social Security___________________


Date of Birth____________


Present Address________________________________________________________________


EMPLOYED BY_________________________________How Long Employed_______


Employer’s Address________________________________Phone __________________


Position Held_________________________


Yearly Income________________


Personal References





In the event landlord does not accept me for an apartment, deposit shall be refunded in full. I agree that the information contained in this report is correct. Below I authorize real estate company to run my (our) credit report(s). Credit report will be run on consignor only and the fee is fifty dollars ($50) nonrefundable.


TENANT’S SIGNATURE____________________________DATE______________

TENANT’S NAME ​____________________________


COSIGNOR’S SIGNATURE____________________________DATE______________

COSIGNOR’S NAME ​____________________________


















3. ____________________________________________________________________________

Date ​​Tenant’s Signature​                                  ​​Phone


Driver’s License # ________________________________Social Security___________________


Date of Birth____________


Cosignor’s name ________________________________Social Security___________________


Date of Birth____________


Present Address________________________________________________________________


EMPLOYED BY_________________________________How Long Employed_______


Employer’s Address________________________________Phone __________________


Position Held_________________________


Yearly Income________________


Personal References





In the event landlord does not accept me for an apartment, deposit shall be refunded in full. I agree that the information contained in this report is correct. Below I authorize real estate company to run my (our) credit report(s). Credit report will be run on consignor only and the fee is fifty dollars ($50) nonrefundable.


TENANT’S SIGNATURE____________________________DATE______________

TENANT’S NAME ​____________________________


COSIGNOR’S SIGNATURE____________________________DATE______________

COSIGNOR’S NAME ​____________________________

















4. ____________________________________________________________________________

Date ​​Tenant’s Signature​                                  ​​Phone


Driver’s License # ________________________________Social Security___________________


Date of Birth____________


Cosignor’s name ________________________________Social Security___________________


Date of Birth____________


Present Address________________________________________________________________


EMPLOYED BY_________________________________How Long Employed_______


Employer’s Address________________________________Phone __________________


Position Held_________________________


Yearly Income________________


Personal References





In the event landlord does not accept me for an apartment, deposit shall be refunded in full. I agree that the information contained in this report is correct. Below I authorize real estate company to run my (our) credit report(s). Credit report will be run on consignor only and the fee is fifty dollars ($50) nonrefundable.


TENANT’S SIGNATURE____________________________DATE______________

TENANT’S NAME ​____________________________


COSIGNOR’S SIGNATURE____________________________DATE______________

COSIGNOR’S NAME ​____________________________

















5. ____________________________________________________________________________

Date ​​Tenant’s Signature​                                  ​​Phone


Driver’s License # ________________________________Social Security___________________


Date of Birth____________


Cosignor’s name ________________________________Social Security___________________


Date of Birth____________


Present Address________________________________________________________________


EMPLOYED BY_________________________________How Long Employed_______


Employer’s Address________________________________Phone __________________


Position Held_________________________


Yearly Income________________


Personal References





In the event landlord does not accept me for an apartment, deposit shall be refunded in full. I agree that the information contained in this report is correct. Below I authorize real estate company to run my (our) credit report(s). Credit report will be run on consignor only and the fee is fifty dollars ($50) nonrefundable.


TENANT’S SIGNATURE____________________________DATE______________

TENANT’S NAME ​____________________________


COSIGNOR’S SIGNATURE____________________________DATE______________

COSIGNOR’S NAME ​____________________________


Please Notarize Cosignor’s Signature (required)
















6. ____________________________________________________________________________

Date ​​Tenant’s Signature​                                  ​​Phone


Driver’s License # ________________________________Social Security___________________


Date of Birth____________


Cosignor’s name ________________________________Social Security___________________


Date of Birth____________


Present Address________________________________________________________________


EMPLOYED BY_________________________________How Long Employed_______


Employer’s Address________________________________Phone __________________


Position Held_________________________


Yearly Income________________


Personal References





In the event landlord does not accept me for an apartment, deposit shall be refunded in full. I agree that the information contained in this report is correct. Below I authorize real estate company to run my (our) credit report(s). Credit report will be run on consignor only and the fee is fifty dollars ($50) nonrefundable.


TENANT’S SIGNATURE____________________________DATE______________

TENANT’S NAME ​____________________________


COSIGNOR’S SIGNATURE____________________________DATE______________

COSIGNOR’S NAME ​____________________________














7. ____________________________________________________________________________

Date ​​Tenant’s Signature​                                  ​​Phone


Driver’s License # ________________________________Social Security___________________


Date of Birth____________


Cosignor’s name ________________________________Social Security___________________


Date of Birth____________


Present Address________________________________________________________________


EMPLOYED BY_________________________________How Long Employed_______


Employer’s Address________________________________Phone __________________


Position Held_________________________


Yearly Income________________


Personal References





In the event landlord does not accept me for an apartment, deposit shall be refunded in full. I agree that the information contained in this report is correct. Below I authorize real estate company to run my (our) credit report(s). Credit report will be run on consignor only and the fee is fifty dollars ($50) nonrefundable.


TENANT’S SIGNATURE____________________________DATE______________

TENANT’S NAME ​____________________________


COSIGNOR’S SIGNATURE____________________________DATE______________

COSIGNOR’S NAME ​____________________________